America in Vietnam, Agent Orange, a health hazardous substance to clean the affected area has launched a project to help.
Nineteen hundred and seventy-five at the end of the war between the two countries since the first attempt to eliminate pollution. Danang downtown from the airport's operations were launched. U.S. enemies to destroy forest cover plants providers offer thousands of gallons of pesticides were sprayed. Vietnam says millions have been affected by Agent Orange, while half a million children are born with Severe birth defects.
Nineteen hundred and seventy-five at the end of the war between the two countries since the first attempt to eliminate pollution. Danang downtown from the airport's operations were launched. U.S. enemies to destroy forest cover plants providers offer thousands of gallons of pesticides were sprayed. Vietnam says millions have been affected by Agent Orange, while half a million children are born with Severe birth defects.
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